Four through Grade Six
years form a bridge between the early elementary grades and middle
school. The traditional, yet creative curriculum is specially
designed to meet the needs of inquisitive students who are eager
to learn. Each student is encouraged and inspired to learn at
a pace that stretches beyond the easily attained. Skill development
is emphasized to help students prepare for the academic independence
that will be absolutely necessary in the upper grades. A main
goal of this program is to help each student become a self-directed
learner who can work productively whether alone or in a group
of peers. The students learn to think critically and communicate
effectively. Students in these grades are primarily reading to
learn and students are given the opportunity to choose quality
literature that is of interest to them. In addition to individualized
reading, students participate in literature circles, class discussions,
and group work. During these years, the students also are responsible
for publishing the school newspaper several times a year. In regards
to Mathematics, students in the upper grades continue their work
with advanced mathematical concepts. Just like with the lower
grades, a multidisciplinary approach to teaching science and social
studies through the use of thematic units is utilized. In addition
to the core subject areas, students participate in art, music,
Spanish, physical education, and computer science taught by a
specialist teacher once a week. Overall, this integrated curriculum
engages the student’s interests, fosters an appreciation
of arts and sciences and nourishes their imagination.