Grades 4, 5 & 6
I have taught all levels of elementary education in the public
and private sector for 17 years. My educational experience includes
a Bachelor’s in Education from Boston University and graduate
studies from Framingham State College and Boston University. I
also have had extensive experience in business management. I am
currently the Fourth/Fifth/Sixth grade teacher. Seven of the years
I have taught have been focused on the upper elementary grades
specializing in gifted and talented education.
our small classroom environment I feel privileged to be able to
support the academic needs of each student and address their individual
talents, special gifts and unique learning styles. Classroom discussions
are a big part of how children learn, and self-esteem is built
by recognizing that every opinion matters. I try to instill a
love of learning in my students so they will become lifelong learners,
motivated by internal challenge and curiosity.
can be one of the most valuable learning skills that a child can
possess. Encouraging students to take risks and then revise their
opinions based on discovery can help build a strong sense of accomplishment
and self-confidence. My Grade 4-6 classroom is a bridge to middle
school. Because of this, I have a very important role as an educator.
At this point in their lives, my students need to enjoy the playfulness
of childhood while developing the personal and organizational
expertise necessary to succeed in a middle school environment.
These skills include taking responsibility for homework, budgeting
time in an efficient way and organizing personal property. I need
to present my students with the tools needed to become successful
in life and to believe in themselves.
from academic achievement, a strong sense of compassion, fairness,
respect and responsibility are values that are stressed in my
classroom and help guide students to achieve their future goals.
Inclusion and a spirit of unity make our classroom a warm and
supportive place to grow and learn.