Unique School
The Brighton School is a non-profit, private, independent elementary
school that specializes in gifted education. We offer a school
year program designed to meet the academic, social, emotional,
and intellectual needs of students in grades Pre-Kindergarten
through Grade Six. Our core curriculum meets and exceeds the standards
of other private and public schools. The class sizes do not exceed
16 students. Our small classes enable the teachers to help the
students learn to work as a team and appreciate and support one
another as valuable individuals. The classes are mixed-age which
allows for students to interact with both older and younger children.
Another unique element is the classroom teacher. Each student
remains with the same teacher for a minimum of two years. This
continuity allows the teacher to more deeply understand each student’s
academic and social growth. The Brighton School is a community
where we know each student; we offer an innovative learning environment
that supports the development of lifelong learners and inspires
students to be engaged contributors to society.